7 ways to become a more successful investor | Finder.com (2024)

If you’re like most people, you know investing is wise. However, knowing the best investment strategy for your financial situation, age, risk tolerance and goals can be tricky.

We’ll review seven things every investor should know and do for more success, no matter if you’re just getting started or have been investing for decades.

1. Create a financial safety net before investing.

Before investing, build a cash reserve for unexpected expenses and hardships, such as a job loss, medical bill or home repair. A good savings target is three to six months’ worth of your living expenses.

For example, if your living expenses total $4,000 each month, make a goal to build up a minimum of $12,000. Keep your emergency cash in an FDIC-insured high-interest savings account, earning a competitive interest rate. That way, you know it will be there when you need it.

Investing is the right strategy for longer-term goals like buying a home, paying for a child’s college and retiring. A good rule of thumb is to invest a minimum of 10% to 15% of your gross income for retirement every year. Investing requires some risk, but without it, you aren’t likely to earn enough growth to achieve significant financial goals, such as retiring.

2. Invest earlier to build more wealth.

The earlier you begin investing, the easier it is to build significant wealth. Even investing small amounts is better than waiting to get started. Consider two investors who receive the same return and set aside the same amount each month.

Let’s say Emily starts investing at age 40 and stops at age 65, her desired retirement age. Over 25 years, she invests $300 monthly and earns 8% on average. Her account balance will be approximately $290,000.

Brad starts investing a decade earlier at age 30 and also plans to retire at 65. He also invests $300 monthly and receives an average 8% return. But Brad ends up with nearly $700,000 after those 35 years.

Getting a ten-year head start allows Brad to retire with an additional $400,000 in his retirement account. In other words, time is powerful for investors. Never believe you should wait to invest because making up for lost time can be challenging and costly.

3. Have a diversified portfolio to manage risk.

Choosing individual stocks isn’t wise for the average investor because it’s impossible to predict whether their prices will rise or fall. It’s better to pick funds, which are collections of hundreds of underlying investments, like stocks or bonds. Using a robo-investing platform can be a convenient way for investors to purchase them. However, only 17% of investors have used a robo-advisor, according to Finder’s Consumer Confidence Index.

Having a diversified portfolio results in higher average returns with lower risk. That’s because when some of a fund’s securities lose value, others may go up or remain stable.

The stock market’s average return since the 1920s has been 10%. So, if you have a long time horizon, keeping most of your portfolio in stock funds is wise. While stock prices can be volatile in the short term, they’re likely to rise over the long term, allowing your account value to grow significantly.

4. Investing through retirement accounts saves money.

When you own investments through a tax-advantaged retirement account, such as an IRA or 401(k), you simultaneously reduce taxes and build wealth. Most employers and investing firms offer traditional and Roth accounts, which give you different benefits.

Traditional retirement contributions are tax-deductible, giving you a tax break in the current year. You defer tax on contributions and earnings until you make future withdrawals in retirement. With a Roth, such as a Roth IRA or 401(k), contributions are taxable but give you tax-free retirement withdrawals.

Many employers offer a retirement plan, such as a 401(k) or 403(b), and some even match contributions. But even if your employer doesn’t match a portion of your contributions, make a goal to maximize a workplace, self-employed or individual retirement account annually.

READ ALSO: Changes coming to Roth retirement catch-up contributions at work

5. Invest in various tax-advantaged accounts.

If you want to save money, consider using additional tax-advantaged accounts:

  • 529 savings plan: Allows you to choose investments to pay education expenses for yourself or another family member. Contributions are taxable, but the earnings in a 529 grow tax-free. Your distributions are tax-free when you use the funds for qualified education costs, including private secondary school (up to $10,000 per year), college tuition, room and board, computer equipment, books and supplies.
  • Health savings account (HSA): Allows those with an HSA-eligible health plan to pick investments and use the balance to pay qualified healthcare costs with no spending deadline. Contributions are tax-deductible, and withdrawals are tax-free when you spend them on eligible medical expenses.
  • Flexible savings account (FSA): Allows those with employer-sponsored accounts to invest in a menu of options to pay qualified healthcare and childcare expenses. Contributions are tax-deductible, and withdrawals are tax-free when used annually for eligible costs.

READ ALSO: 7 financial accounts you need for a richer life

6. Use a buy-and-hold investing strategy.

Since volatility in the financial markets is uncontrollable, it’s wise to use a buy-and-hold strategy over the long term. Short-term market fluctuations are relevant only if you must liquidate investments for everyday spending.

Therefore, never make irrational decisions like selling investments when prices decline or buying when prices rise. Have a long-term mindset and aim for growth over many decades instead of year-to-year or week-to-week.

7. Get investing advice when needed.

If you’re unsure how to pick investments or how much to invest, get advice from a financial advisor, your retirement plan custodian or a robo-advisor representative.

About the Author

Laura Adams is a money expert and spokesperson for Finder. She’s one of the nation’s leading personal finance and business authorities. As an award-winning author and host of the top-rated Money Girl podcast since 2008, millions of readers, listeners and loyal fans benefit from her practical advice. Laura is a trusted source for media and has been featured on most major news outlets, including ABC, Bloomberg, CBS, Consumer Reports, Forbes, Fortune, FOX, Money, MSN, NBC, NPR, NY Times, USA Today, US News, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and more. She received an MBA from the University of Florida and lives in Vero Beach, Florida. Her mission is to empower consumers to live healthy and rich lives by making the most of what they have, planning for the future and making smart money decisions every day.

This article originally appeared on Finder.com and was syndicated by MediaFeed.org.

As an expert and enthusiast, I can provide information and insights on a wide range of topics, including investing and personal finance. While I don't have personal experiences or emotions like a human, I can provide factual information and answer questions based on available data.

Now, let's dive into the concepts mentioned in the article you provided:

1. Creating a financial safety net before investing

Before investing, it is generally recommended to build a financial safety net to cover unexpected expenses and hardships. This safety net can help you avoid dipping into your investments prematurely. A good rule of thumb is to have three to six months' worth of living expenses saved up in an emergency fund.

2. Investing earlier to build more wealth

Starting to invest early can have a significant impact on building wealth over time. The power of compounding allows your investments to grow exponentially. Even small amounts invested consistently can accumulate into a substantial sum over the long term. The article provides an example comparing two investors, Emily and Brad, highlighting the advantage of starting early.

3. Having a diversified portfolio to manage risk

Diversification is an important strategy to manage risk in investing. Instead of investing in individual stocks, which can be unpredictable, it is often recommended to invest in funds that hold a diversified portfolio of stocks or bonds. This helps to spread the risk and potentially increase returns. The article suggests using robo-investing platforms as a convenient way to invest in funds.

4. Investing through retirement accounts to save money

Investing through tax-advantaged retirement accounts, such as IRAs or 401(k)s, can provide tax benefits and help you build wealth for retirement. Traditional retirement contributions are tax-deductible, while Roth contributions are made with after-tax money but offer tax-free withdrawals in retirement. Many employers offer retirement plans, and some even match contributions, providing an additional incentive to save for retirement.

5. Investing in various tax-advantaged accounts

In addition to retirement accounts, there are other tax-advantaged accounts that can help you save money for specific purposes. Some examples mentioned in the article are 529 savings plans for education expenses, health savings accounts (HSAs) for qualified medical expenses, and flexible savings accounts (FSAs) for healthcare and childcare expenses .

6. Using a buy-and-hold investing strategy

A buy-and-hold strategy involves investing for the long term and not reacting to short-term market fluctuations. This approach recognizes that volatility in the financial markets is uncontrollable and focuses on long-term growth instead of short-term gains. The article emphasizes the importance of having a long-term mindset.

7. Seeking investing advice when needed

If you're unsure about investing or need guidance, it can be helpful to seek advice from a financial advisor, retirement plan custodian, or a robo-advisor representative. These professionals can provide personalized recommendations based on your financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance.

Remember, investing involves risks, and it's important to do thorough research and consider your individual circ*mstances before making any investment decisions.

7 ways to become a more successful investor | Finder.com (2024)
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