The Paleo Diet: A Guide to Eating Like Our Ancestors for Better Health (2024)

The Paleolithic, or “Paleo” diet, aims to address modern health issues by adopting the eating habits of our ancestors from over 2 million years ago.

Advocates of the Paleo diet argue that because our genetics and anatomy have changed very little since the Stone Age, we should consume foods that were available during that time to promote good health. Our ancestors relied on hunting, fishing, and gathering wild plants for food, as they did not have the advanced tools necessary for growing and cultivating plants. It is believed that their consistent diet of lean meats and plant foods, along with their high level of physical activity from intensive hunting, helped them avoid modern-day diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. However, it is important to note that the life expectancy of our ancestors was significantly lower than that of people today.

The popularity of the Paleo diet, which peaked in 2014, can be attributed to the increasing desire among consumers to eat healthier and know the source of their food.

The Paleo Diet: A Guide to Eating Like Our Ancestors for Better Health (1)

The diet, also known as the caveman or Stone-Age diet, emphasizes the consumption of lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Proponents of the diet recommend choosing low-glycemic fruits and vegetables. However, there is ongoing debate about what foods actually existed during the Paleolithic era, the variation in diets depending on the region, and the fact that modern-day fruits and vegetables bear little resemblance to their prehistoric counterparts. This has led to disagreements among Paleo diet enthusiasts regarding what should be included or excluded from the diet. As a result, there is no "true" Paleo diet.

For example, although white potatoes were available during the Paleolithic era, they are usually avoided in the Paleo diet due to their high glycemic index. Processed foods are also discouraged in the diet, as there is an emphasis on consuming fresh foods. However, some variations of the Paleo diet allow for the inclusion of frozen fruits and vegetables, as the freezing process preserves most nutrients.

The Paleo Diet: A Guide to Eating Like Our Ancestors for Better Health (2)

300 Delicious Paleo Diet Recipes [Black & White Edition]

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In general, the diet is high in protein, moderate in fat (primarily unsaturated fats), low to moderate in carbohydrates (specifically limiting high glycemic index carbohydrates), high in fiber, and low in sodium and refined sugars. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, including the omega-3 fats EPA and DHA, come from sources such as marine fish, avocado, olive oil, nuts, and seeds.

Grass-fed beef is often highlighted in the Paleo diet due to its higher omega-3 fat content compared to conventional beef, which is fed grain. However, the conversion of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a precursor to EPA and DHA, is limited in the body. The amount of omega-3 in grass-fed beef is also much lower than that in oily marine fish. For example, cooked salmon contains 1000–2000 mg of EPA and DHA per 3-ounce portion, whereas 3 ounces of grass-fed beef contain about 20–200 mg of ALA.

The following is a summary of foods generally allowed on the Paleo diet:


fresh lean meats, fish, shellfish, eggs, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, olive oil, coconut oil, and small amounts of honey. Certain root vegetables, like sweet potatoes and cassava, may be allowed in moderation due to their high nutrient content.

Not Allowed:

Whole grains, cereals, refined grains and sugars, dairy products, white potatoes, legumes (peanuts, beans, and lentils), alcohol, coffee, salt, refined vegetable oils such as canola, and most processed foods.

The emphasis of the Paleo diet is not on calorie counting or portion sizes. Some variations of the diet allow for a few "cheat" non-Paleo meals a week, especially when first starting the diet, in order to improve overall compliance.

The Paleo Diet: A Guide to Eating Like Our Ancestors for Better Health (3)

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In conclusion, the Paleo diet promotes the consumption of nutrient-dense, whole, fresh foods and discourages the intake of highly processed foods containing added salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats. However, the exclusion of whole grains, dairy, and legumes may result in suboptimal intake of important nutrients. The restrictive nature of the diet may also make it challenging for individuals to adhere to in the long run. It is recommended that a person on the diet undertake exercise as well to help boost weight loss and also improve overall fitness and health.

Exercising alongside the Paleo diet can offer several benefits for overall health and fitness:

1. Weight management: The Paleo diet, which focuses on whole foods like lean meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, can support weight loss and weight management. When combined with regular exercise, particularly strength training and cardiovascular exercise, it can help build muscle mass and increase metabolism for better weight control.

2. Improved energy levels: The nutrient-dense foods in the Paleo diet provide a steady source of energy, while exercise can further enhance energy levels by improving cardiovascular fitness and endurance.

3. Muscle strength and tone: The Paleo diet's emphasis on protein-rich foods can support muscle growth and repair, especially when paired with strength-training exercises. This combination can help improve muscle strength, tone, and overall body composition.

4. Enhanced athletic performance: For individuals engaged in sports or physical activities, combining the Paleo diet with targeted exercise routines can lead to improved athletic performance, endurance, and recovery.

5. Reduced inflammation: The anti-inflammatory properties of the Paleo diet, which eliminates processed foods and focuses on whole, nutrient-dense ingredients, can complement the anti-inflammatory effects of regular exercise. This combination may help reduce inflammation in the body and support overall health.

6. Better overall health: Exercising alongside the Paleo diet can have a positive impact on various health markers, including blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar regulation. This can contribute to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

In summary, combining exercise with the Paleo diet can offer benefits such as weight management, improved energy levels, muscle strength, athletic performance, reduced inflammation, and better overall health. This synergistic approach can support a healthy and active lifestyle.

Get more great recipes and Paleo Information here

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The Paleo Diet: A Guide to Eating Like Our Ancestors for Better Health (4)

The Paleo Diet: A Guide to Eating Like Our Ancestors for Better Health (2024)
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